8 Words and Phrases Intelligent People Never Say

Intelligent people are always trying to find the best way to say things so they sound smarter. If you want to be smarter, stop using these 8 words and phrases.

Miraculous Life
6 min readJan 14, 2022
Words and Phrases Intelligent People Never Say

A lot of people don’t know what to say when something goes wrong. When something doesn’t go their way, they just throw out a few curse words and call it a day. But intelligent people know that words have power. They know that words can make or break a deal, make or break a relationship, or make or break a life. Here are a few phrases that intelligent people simply don’t say.

1. “That’s not fair!”

“That’s not fair!

When someone is arguing with you or pointing out that you’re wrong, do you ever hear yourself saying things like: “That’s not fair!” or “That’s not right!”? If you’re an intelligent person, you probably don’t. Now, these two phrases may seem very similar, but they mean very different things. When someone says: “That’s not fair!” what they are saying is: “This is not the outcome I wanted.” This is the most immature thing you can say because you are saying that the person who is arguing with you doesn’t know what they’re talking about, and you want to be given something that you didn’t earn. If you want to be respected by other people, you need to earn respect by showing them that you can earn it.

2. “This Will Only Take A Minute”

This Will Only Take A Minute

Most of the time a task takes more than 5 minutes to complete, so why use unpredictable words to deceive people? The truth is you can’t always predict how long a task will take. It may be a lot easier than you think or take longer than your original estimate. Either way, you can’t accurately guess how long something will take you, and you don’t want to give the impression you’re using a trick to make others think you’re better at your job than you are. You may think that saying something will only take a minute is harmless. However, you’re giving people the impression that you’re rushing your work, and you’ll likely be pressured to meet that deadline even if it’s unrealistic. If a task will take longer than a minute, say that and be prepared for the consequences.

3. “That’s Not My Fault”

That’s Not My Fault

It’s a common misconception that if you’re not at fault, you should point the finger at someone else. However, this sort of attitude is incredibly unprofessional and jarring, and it’s often perceived by those around you as someone who lacks accountability. Shifting the blame on others is an easy way for coworkers to lose trust and respect for you. When you’re involved in an issue, never turn on others to lessen the overall problem or spotlight. Instead, take responsibility and acknowledge your role. If you’re willing to be accountable for your actions, people will see you as someone willing to take control. It doesn’t matter if you’re the only one at fault. Doing the right thing will not only benefit you, but it will benefit others around you.

4. He’s This / She’s That

He’s This / She’s That

It is important not to run off at the mouth of someone else. They will not appreciate it, no matter who you are and no matter what you have to say. You will not win any friends by bad-mouthing someone. It is a social faux pas, according to etiquette. If you do not have anything nice to say, about a person, then don’t say anything at all. This is a good rule to go by in general.

5. “This is the way it’s always been done”

This is the way it’s always been done

Technology is always changing and advancing, and it’s important in this line of work to stay on top of the changes. It’s so easy to be comfortable with the way things have always been, but that can be a hindrance to your success. If you’re not staying on top of the changes and implementing them into your task, then you’re letting your task fall behind the rest. You might have been doing things the same way for a while now, but if something new comes along that’s potentially better, it would be helpful to know about it! Intelligent individuals don’t resist change.

6. “I don’t care.”

I don’t care

We often see people go through the motions of life and say things like, “Whatever!” or “I don’t care” as if they were above anyone else. Most of the time, this isn’t true. They’re just cynical and unaware of their actions. Intelligent people do care and are highly empathetic. They don’t use phrases like “Whatever!” or “I don’t care.” Instead, they handle their affairs with empathy, compassion, and acknowledge the sensitivities of others.

7. “No one else is doing that, so neither will I.”

No one else is doing that, so neither will I

Intelligent people aren’t afraid to take risks, they rise to the challenge when others are too afraid to even acknowledge it. Or if there’s something that no one else wants to do, it will likely be up to the most intelligent person in charge to step up and impose a solution. In addition, rising to these challenges may lead one in the direction of potentially learning new skills that they would have otherwise never explored (and potentially gaining experience in those areas), which could open doors for them down the line!

8. “I’ll try”

I’ll try

It’s a common move for people to claim they’ll try when faced with difficult or impossible tasks. If a person says that they’ll try, but ends up failing, then they can always claim it couldn’t be done. Most of the time it’s just an excuse to be lazy and avoid doing the work that needs to be done. There’s no such thing as trying to do something, it’s either you do something or you don’t. If you’re given a task, either you do it and do it well, or you offer an alternative solution. But saying that you’ll “try” will only give you permission to fail. Saying that you’ll try is passive-aggressive, and while it doesn’t seem like a big deal, it can hold back what you could have done.

Intelligent people are not selfish, they are generous with their intelligence because they love helping others and seeing the enjoyment on the person’s face when they finally understand. Intelligent people love sharing their knowledge especially if it benefits the greater good. Intelligent people are often taught to look a certain way, act a certain way, and speak a certain way and those who obey the rules will be rewarded accordingly. But those who break the rules to help others will find the rewards just as enjoyable.

Originally published at https://dmiraculouslife.com/words-and-phrases-intelligent-people-never-say/



Miraculous Life

Motivational, inspirational and practical information for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their personal as well as professional life.