Super Disorganised? The Secrets To Being A More Organised Person

Miraculous Life
4 min readAug 19, 2021

Not many of us have an organized schedule that enables us to reach all of our goals. We either fail to get all of the work done or we’re too busy to focus on the most important tasks. Time Management is important for every individual. People who are more organized in their schedules are more efficient in their work and their life. But it is also true that it is not an easy feat to become more organized. It takes time and practice.

This article is all about how you can organize your schedule most effectively with simple tips and tricks so that you can eliminate the clutter and reach all your goals.

1. Plot your day ahead

Planning Your Day The Night Before Drastically Increases Your Productivity. Before you leave work, or before you go to bed, take 15 minutes to figure out what you’re going to do the next day. Effective scheduling of the day is important.

Prioritize all your activities in advance and postpone whatever that can be done sometime later. Removing non-essential tasks/activities frees up more of your time to be spent on genuinely important things. A time management matrix can help you analyze your activities and priorities.

Regardless of how well planned out your schedule is, it’s important to leave some leeway in case something unexpected happens. There’s a good chance you’ll experience some type of shift in scheduling at some point. If you have less room to maneuver during this time, this sudden change could throw your entire schedule off. It’s important to have time in your schedule for sudden things and readjustment. Leave no room for error. Have everything on your side to help you avoid them. Set alarms, reminders, and whatever else you need to deal with your tasks on time.

2. Create List

Lists help keep everything in order and assure that nothing will be forgotten.

For example, make a list of all the things you need to buy at the supermarket — it will keep you from forgetting items (like your favorite chocolate bar), and even keep some costs down by remembering to quickly compare prices between brands. Make a list for weekend plans and fun activities with your friends or family…basically anything you want so long as it won’t take up much time!

You can become an organized person by making lists for nearly every aspect of your life.

3. Have less stuff

The golden rule of organization is to have as little as possible to organize. It’s important to remember that saying no sometimes is just as important as saying yes. Learn not to overcommit so much and focus on delegation of responsibilities. When you can learn not to be in charge of everything, your mind can finally relax and you can spend more time doing what you enjoy.

4. Never leave anything undone

In a world of constant distractions, it’s a challenge to stay focused on one task at a time. It’s a challenge to finish tasks. It’s a challenge to stay organized. You’re reading your favorite blog when you come across an interesting article. You decide to just read it right now. Before you know it, you’re on page 10 of that article. One task led to another, and now you have a long list of unfinished tasks! Leaving unfinished tasks is the hallmark of a disorganized person. It’s time to get organized! Before leaving a task, make sure you have done everything you can to complete the job.

5. Create Routine

How you spend your days is how you spend your life, which is why it’s so important to carve out daily routines. If you’re staying organized in your day-to-day life via a few mini-routines (no matter how inconsequential this seems), you’ll create an overall life pattern of organization.

Highly organized people create routines that they can follow on repeat without having to give much thought at all.

From how their morning runs, through to how they prepare their week, routines are the base of which all highly organized people build their day.

6. Automate tasks

A highly organized person knows that no matter how organized they are, there are still things they can clear off their plate by automating them.

Tasks like paying bills can all be automated through their banks and even grocery deliveries or meal prep can be automated and outsourced.

Automating areas of your life means that you can clear the mental load from your day and also know that things will just get done without you having to think about them.

7. Create a system

One of the easiest ways to stay organized is by having a simple system for various aspects of your life. For instance, you can assign your family members to take certain bins to the curb every week. Or you can designate a certain room for vacuuming and dusting, and only allow it to be used for that purpose. You don’t necessarily have to follow any specific rules to be organized. Having a system is all you need. For example, you can keep your desk tidy and put papers and files where they belong when you’re done with them. Or you could designate certain boxes or containers for common household items. You can do this for any aspect of your life that needs organization. YOU get to decide what works for you!

If you are struggling to stay organized, then we hope these strategies will give you the guidance you need to organize your schedule effectively. If you follow all these strategies you will see an improvement in your schedule and productivity. You will be able to focus on important tasks and accomplish them before your deadlines.

Don’t forget to share this post with others, as it can help others learn how to organize their schedule.

If you have any questions, please share them in the comments. Thanks for reading this article!



Miraculous Life

Motivational, inspirational and practical information for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their personal as well as professional life.